Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Facilitating Group Interaction6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Facilitating Group Interaction6 - Essay Example My main weakness would be my desire for perfection. In a group, it is difficult for each team member to produce equal results and even more difficult to make sure that each team member completes tasks on time. Since, I strive to achieve excellent results in a timely fashion the pressure can be overwhelming and unintentionally hinder relationships with other team members. The main conflict resolution skill utilized by this group is integration, which is a result of shared responsibility and having each group member openly express their concerns over existing problems. Each individual team member does not try to dominate another but listens to suggested changes carefully and finds methods in which these ideas can used to benefit the group, "Collaborative listening takes those attending and discerning skills one-step further. It recognizes that in listening each person has a job that supports the work of the other" (Lynch, 2004). One idea is not perceived as superior over another but is examined for is qualities to benefit the group and produce better quality results. In order to prevent conflict before it occurs the team ensures that each member is clear on their responsibilities so there is no confusion over duties. Each team member acknowledged that each task carries equal responsibility and worth thus each member shares credit for each successful task. By ensuring that each group member is aware of their value and assigning them tasks which they are able to complete and produce results that they are proud of, the whole group benefits. The group does try to change each member but respects each member's unique, individual skills that strengthen the whole team. This group is composed of many different personalities that bring their own strengths and weakness to the table. The best method of conflict management is being open to others ideas rather than dominating. The group worked best when each member was free the express their own ideas and see that these ideas were somehow integrated into the project rather than dismissed. Decision making within a group is a very challenging but rewarding task. When tackling a large problem a consensus was reached before putting a plan into action. Whenever a problem arose, the team leader notified group members. The leader of the group set up a group meeting time and encouraged team members to think of ideas before the meeting so it would produce more effective results rather than being time consuming, "Proper brainstorming should involve first an individual, then a group, followed by an individual brainstorming session" (Meade, 2007). Each team member was expected to contribute in these meetings, no exceptions. Group meetings, which involved creative brainstorming sessions, were held as a method of solving problems. Each team member shared his or her ideas on how a particular problem could be solved. The group believes that a creative approach to problem solving is effective because it generate many ideas and inspires each group member to think of better solutions to existing problems. Each idea was taken into consideration and assessed for its feasibility. Group members were free to voice their feelings towards a particular solution and were not judged if they did not agree with another

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