Monday, September 23, 2019

European imperialism was sometimes supported by the claim that it was Essay

European imperialism was sometimes supported by the claim that it was part of a civilizing mission to other parts of the world. Construct a historical argument - Essay Example Conrad’s Heart of Darkness is partially autobiographical in that it depicts an actual six month journey by Joseph Conrad up the Congo River where he commandeered a steamboat following the death of the Captain in 1890.1 Conrad himself is quoted as having said: Although European colonialism can be traced back to the 13th century the colonizing of Africa began in Africa in earnest around the mid to late 19th century.3 With the transformation from the Victorian era to the industrial era, European politics represented colonial exploits as a means of expanding trade, spreading religion and civilizing backward nations.4 Many historians however have countered this theory by offering views that the advances in modern technology that followed the industrial revolution, particularly the advent of the steamboat, made it possible for Europeans to travel to Africa exploiting the land for raw materials and natives for labour.5 In his book, Tools of Empire, Daniel Headrick explains that: Conrad’s Heart of Darkness takes an approach which is vastly similar to Headrick’s theory of European imperialism. In the final analysis European imperialism was no more than a manifestation of a desire for expansion brought on by the greed associated with industrial growth. In the interim this desire gave way to corrupt power and corrupt rule at the expense of the natives and their civilization. Marlow represents the trusting European who has no reason to doubt that the African conquest is no more than a quest to enlighten and improve upon the quality of life of the uncivilized African. During the journey along the Congo however, Marlow slowly comes to the realization that a combination of greed and disease contributes to a demoralizing conquest. One that is characterized by torture and exploitation of African natives for what appears to be one aim, economic growth. The welfare of the native is the

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