Thursday, October 31, 2019
Sonny's blues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Sonny's blues - Essay Example People of the club are generally referred to as being friendly with Sonny; serving to depict the contrast that exists between the inner and the outside world. At the same time, the author takes on a defensive tone when he tries to justify Sonny's drug addiction; "In order to keep from shaking to pieces" (Baldwin, 40). However, the author holds his sympathy in one hand and his honesty in the other; he criticizes the addiction of drugs in bitter words, blaming it to be the cause of pain and misery for Sonny. Baldwin's creation of characters is interesting in the sense that almost all characters have markedly contrasting personalities. Moreover, the characters are not merely characters; they are in fact representations of the classes of our society. Sonny, for example represents the drug affected population of the society. The prominent features associated with this character include the aspects of poverty, being black, various limitations imposed by the society, willingness to escape f rom his prevailing circumstances, suffering imprisonment and being a prisoner even after being released from the jail which is depicted by words like "caged animal". The narrator of the story is the elder brother of Sony, depicted as a successful person in that he is a Mathematics teacher and is raising his own family. He had been pessimistic about Sony in the beginning but his immense love and association with him makes him help Sony out of the situation. Although Isabel, the narrator is not a much prominent character in the story but she plays a significant role in taking Sony out of his indulgence in misery and shock as he gets released from prison. She plays a role which is almost the same as the narrator's mother. The narrator's daughter Grace, though appears in the story for a little while, as she dies very young, leaves a mark on the writer and makes him reach to Sony and help him out of his troubled times. Likewise, the character of mother not only represents the mothers as an institution but also serves the purpose of explaining the role of all those in the society who actively engage in helping others. Baldwin associates a number of roles that he expects a mother to play; prophetic, saint-like and protector of the family. The writer has used a number of symbols to assist his understanding and to convey a clearer message to the reader. His use of jazz music appears to be associated with negative aspects of life like addiction and drugs. Later in the story, this symbol takes on an entirely new form and serves to establish a connection between the brothers. Music is depicted not only in this story but in real life as well, as a form of art that is used as a means of giving way to one's thoughts and at times frustration. At one point in the story, where the narrator is feeling perplexed by listening to music being played by Sony's blues group. For Sony, music gives vent to the sadness that resides deep within him creating a sadder version of blue music t hat touches his listeners as well. Another imagery that the writer uses often is ice. This is used to convey negative feelings and emotions that arise in response to unfavorable conditions. The discomfort felt during such circumstances is especially troublesome for the author, which is expressed by the author in words like "it was a special kind
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The Real Chocolate Company Inc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
The Real Chocolate Company Inc - Essay Example With almost 300 chocolates in the portfolio and a further 100 turned out on special occasions like the Valentine’s Day, the company has achieved a marvelous feat of targeting every segment of the gourmet chocolate market.  The company’s success is determined by the quality and strange enough the quantity of the product. With a gamut of popular proprietary recipes of its own, the company has positioned itself in the US market with unparalleled success. Its use of the best ingredients and chocolates has led to the current wave of demand for its caramel-coated apples, truffles, toffees, and fudges among others which include even a range of sugar-free sweets. The company has been marketing a health-centric line of products to the health-conscious customer.  According to the National Confectioners’ Association (NCA), retail confectionery sales reached $ 28.9 billion in 2006 in the US while retail chocolate sales surpassed $ 16.3 billion in the same year. The gourmet chocolate consumption is about 10% of the total and was worth $ 1.3 billion in 2005. Multinational chocolate marketers like Master Foods USA, Nestle USA Inc., Crafts Food Inc. and Ferrero USA Inc. have captured a sizeable market for each while upcoming firms like RCC Inc. has been dependent on the innovation-related strategic strength. Such strategic initiatives necessarily require a shift in both internal and external operational policies.  Business strategy encompasses a series of other segmental operations that themselves can be regarded as sub-strategies within the holistic process of overall business strategy. For instance, operational or production strategy and marketing strategy are all part of the business strategy of the company.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Proposal for Wind Farm Using Windpro Software
Proposal for Wind Farm Using Windpro Software INTRODUCTION: The world is experiencing an extraordinary boom of renewable energy as never before in the history. The main reason for this is mainly global warming, which is reflected by the greenhouse effect, resulting in a large part in rising temperatures. Two figures to visualize this boom; According to IEA (International Energy Agency) two wind turbines are installed every hour in China and every day and according to the same source 500,000 photovoltaic panels are installed throughout the world. So, what makes renewable energies optimistic? The answer is that there are two very powerful motor behind that: The first is the human genius thanks to which we have made giant steps in the renewable energy to the point that they become almost as profitable as the sources of classic energy. For example, according to IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency) the cost of photovoltaics decreases by 70% between 2010 and 2015 same thing with regard to wind energy with a decrease of 40% When the second engine is the political will with mainly the signing of the decree like the COP, the public subsidy, the different facilities offered, etc. PURPOSE: The main purpose of this report this to make a technical-economic design of a wind farm in a choosing place using wind pro software to attract potential investors. PROBLEM: The criteria for choosing a wind power plant depend on the size, power and number of units. The efficiency of a wind turbine depends on the regularity and the power of the wind. The most interesting sites are generally located by the sea or to the tops of hills and clear mountains. It can also be a solution in countries where the interconnection lines will not succeed because of the low population density even if the winds are not optimum. Having the freedom to choose a site, and coming from Algeria my assessment will be focused in one of the most favourable area to install a wind farm this country, the choice of the size and the number of the turbines will be according to the meteorological and natural conditions of the region and they will be discussed later on. SCOPE : Mainly focused towards fossil fuel energy, the renewable energy sector still poorly exploited in Algeria or at least not at all, the assessments of wind and solar sources are not deeply studied, for the moment the installations available are mostly orientated on experimental basis, few amount for investment and means of research are the principal reason for that despite of the big potential available, specially on solar power where 84% of the country is covert by the Sahara. Until nowadays 98% of the electrical production in Algeria come from gas, the lasts years increase evolutions in power demand, followed by the falling oil prices have caused a significant budget deficit since the state subsidizes in full the gas destined for the production of electricity, up to 5.5 billion $ in 2014 according to Sonatrach (the Algerian energy company) with an increase of 10% of the energy consumption each year. Following that and in view of the circumstances in 2015 the Algerian state has declared a national development program for renewable energy with the target to create 22000 MW of power by 2030, 4500 MW will be realized from here to 2020 according to the CREG (commission for the regulation of electricity and gas). The renewable energy development programme in MW (source I. Wind assessment: 1.literature assessment: Several studies about the wind resources in Algeria has been done, and a general wind map was so created with a data measured from a distance of 10m above the ground level, the main methods used were mainly numerical simulations, and extrapolations with the help of meteorological data and several measuring points; In 2000 a study from Dr N. Kasbadji Merzouk aiming to the creation of a wind chart in Algeria has been published and the results of the annual mean wind speed was illustrated in a map: In this case of study, 10 years wind speed data from 26 stations has been used, and additional data from The National Office of Meteorology in Algeria has been included in order to refine the extrapolation results, Further calculation that take the 10 m above the ground results to 25m by interpolation had shown the map below : Lasts research in 2013 that took new meteorological data and much more measurement points compared by the one above has been done by Dr. Sidi Mohammed Boudia show results as follows: Thru those studies we can tell clearly that the main wind speed is concentrated in the south west of the country and specially in the region of Adrar (about 1500km south west of the capital Algiers) where we can see a mean speed of up to 6.5 m/s at 10 m above the ground and up to 7m/s at 25m height, those results are still acceptable for a large onshore project in the way where they push us to know what about the wind speed in up to 100m. In 2013, an open access data platform has been launched by the international renewable energy agency (IRENA) called the global atlas for Renewable energy, this project is the result of international collaboration from several research institutes like DTU wind energy, private companies and governments, the aim was to bring an easy and a simple way for accessing data and analysis for renewable energy assessment. Using this platform, we can find some data that goes up to 200m, we can see the results as below: (a) These maps show successively the wind speed in the country at 50m, 100m, 200m. from here and even if the results are not the most accurate, we can see that the real potential of the wind energy in Algeria is becoming more interesting. 2. WindPro assessment : Having a preliminary knowledge about the wind speed in the country and using the results found on the different research and studies, our assessment using windpro will be focused in the windiest area, namely the Area of Adrar. The characteristics of the terrain strongly influence the wind flow and thus play an important role in the geographical extrapolation of the wind regime. The WindPRO software and the WAsP flow model are used for this study. WAsP requires a terrain definition through the following input data: elevation, roughness and other obstacles to wind flow Site description: Fatiha Ben Miloud and AL, who have moved to the region to identify some sites in which the wind farm can be installed, claimed that a site has been particularly predominant for its proximity to the electrical substations of Sonelgaz (national society of electricity and gas) This site is located about 73 km north of the town of Adrar. with an altitude of about 260 m. The available area is large,the topography is flat and the roughness of the ground is weak. Apart from the substation and the electric poles, there are no obstacles in the vicinity of this site. The pictures taken by Fatiha Ben Miloud below show the morphology of the terrain near the Sonelgaz substation. North side West side East side South side Additionally the site is ideal for transport where it is near the road axis Adrar Timimoun , but the most advantageous is that this site is located close to a HVV substation which reduces construction costs. From here we can choose the right location using windpro, which requires an exact spot in the beginning to do further simulation. the images above shows the site of the wind farm using Windpro and the Openstreetmap data , we can confirm the research done by Fatiha Ben Miloud about the potential of this area ; the availability of the space is huge , the link to the site is easy ,and there is no perturbation with the surrounding. BLABLABLABLABLABL Wind regime on site: defining the wind regime on a chosen site are usually done using meteorological measure instruments called anemometers, those devices are specially used to do wind assessments like speed and direction. It is highly recommended to make up to 2 years of measurements on the site in the beginning of a project, and the more traditional methods of that is to stand a mast. Being the most economical solution compares to Sodar and Lidar which can be very expensive despite de accuracy, the mast can be set up to the desired height of measurement and can carries several instruments for temperature measurement and mainly anemometers. Cups anemometers the most commonly used, figures below can show some designs of those devices, the operating principle is simple; the torque generating from the turning cups under the effect of win, will be transformed in to electrical signal, this last will be calibrated and transformed in to wind speed output. In this case of study. Meteorological data on windpro were given from METAR (METeorological Aerodrome Report) in the closest local aerodrome of Adrar and being designed for only national flight this aerodrome is small and not a very active one, the measurements are taken every 180 minutes from a height of 10m, the table below summaries the monitoring of the wind in the area : Meteo data Adrar_TOUAT_SYNOP_60-620_N27.880_W00.280 Type de station METAR/SYNOP System Cup anemometer Places of observation Control TOWER ( TWR) height 10m Observation Every 180 minuts Intervalle used 01/01/2007 to 13/04/2016 Even if the specification model of the anemometer was not found in the different documentations, the picture below shows clearly the usage of a cup anemometer in the control tower of the aerodrome. We can also notice and for a software reason that the interval of the measurement stops at 13/04/2016 even if the interval wanted was for 10 years. The data results from the Metar station are listed in the table below: Height M 10 Weibull mean speed m/s 5.9 Weibull A m/S 6.7 Weibull K 2.01 Main wind direction NNE, ENE We normally describe the wind variations at a given site using a Weibull distribution like the one The shape of the curve is determined by a so-called shape parameter equal to 1.750. This graph is a probability distribution (frequency distribution). The probability that the wind blows at any speed (including zero) is necessarily equal to 100%, the area below the curve will always be exactly 1. The statistical distribution of wind speeds varies from place to place as it depends on the local climatic conditions, the landscape and its surface. The Weibull distribution therefore tends to vary, both in form and in average value. These results show the concordance between the research carried out in the literature assessment done in the first part and the data analysis from windpro , where we can see clearly that the dominant wind direction is NNE and ENE , with a mean speed of 5.9m/s Additionally, to this, the WAsP methodology is used to extrapolate selected wind statistics up to 50 m and later on up to the hub height and up to the location of each wind turbine. The purpose of that is to see the real potential of the wind at a more height altitudes. Roughness and elevation are the two crucial factors to do wind measurement, this step is crucial when using windpro and more precisely for WAsP. Elevation: The wind regime can be strongly influenced by elevation differences. The terrain elevation is modeled within a radius of 5 km and is based on the NASAs Radar Topography Mission SRTM data. The contours are then generated with an altitude difference of 10 m between two successive curves. Roughness: The roughness is a key parameter of the equation that models the vertical wind profile Any change in roughness causes a change in the vertical wind profile. The impact at the measuring or hub height can vary greatly as a function of the distance from the change in roughness and atmospheric conditions. Mettre 50 METRE II.WIND FARM : Wind turbines: Whatever in size, power or efficiency, the choice of the wind turbine depends on several parameters; The nature of the terrain where it will be sitting, the wind resources in the area and the noise level are some of the main criteria and specially for a wind farm development. but further that, the availability and reliability of the models needed in addition of the spare parts are very important factor that decide if yes or not the turbine is taken into consideration. And finally, the availability of warranty, and proximity of operation and maintenance teams is also more than desirable. Being heavily integrated in Algeria and specially in the energy field, the choice of the US manufacturer GE (General Electric) was made in a strategic point of view in the way where possessing a very large infrastructure, plus an infallible experience in the country, GE can without a big difficulty manufactured the wind turbines in Algeria, which can minimize the costs and facilitate the transport as well as the installation On this case of study, two different type wind turbines and 16 in total had been choosen: Model N °1: Model reference: GE WIND GE 2.5-120-2,500 number 8 Hub heights: 98.3 m Rotor diameter: 120 m Power rated: 2500 KW Frequency: 50 Hz Noise: 106 dBA Class : IEC IIIs Commissioning : 2014 Technology: Model based controls Cold weather extreme *GE claimed that this model has the worlds most efficient high output wind turbine and has a competitive power value at low wind speed with 98% of reliability from its global fleet. Model N °2: Model reference: GE WIND GE 1.7-100-1,700 Number 8 Hub heights: 96m Rotor diameter: 100 m Power rated: 1700 KW Frequency: 50 Hz Noise: 107 to 105 dBA with low noise trailing edge technology Class : IEC IIIs Commissioning : 2013 Technology: Model based controls, low noise trailing edge, vortex generators, weak grid support *GE claimed that this model has the best in class capacity factor with high energy capture in low wind speed environments. The specific choice of those two model was mainly done because of their high efficiency in low wind speed specially when our farm site has a wind speed lower than 10m/s. Sitting: the choice of the sitting of the wind turbine depend mainly in the available area in the site, the nature of the terrain, and the wind direction, those characteristics define the number of the turbine as well as the way of the sitting. In our case, even with the availability of a big, flat and empty area, the sitting of the wind turbines will be in two straight rows with 8 x GE 2.5-120-2,500 in the front and 8 x GE 1.7-100-1,700, The two rows are facing the wind flow an angle of 127 °. the main reason for this configuration is gain the maximum of power with a smaller area of usage in the way where the more powerful turbines are sitting in front of the less powerful ones, but with a particularity where even if the front turbines will absorb the energy SEE GUIDENCE SITTING PDF TO CONTINUE MICROSITTING figure : // The long-term wind regime expected at the representative height at the location of the wind turbines is shown in Table and Figure The mean wind speed at hub height at the location of each Wind turbine is included in Annex E. Location E 1,377,483 N 3,181,536 WT model GE 2.5-120-2,500 GE 1.7-100-1,700 Height m 98.3 96m Weibull mean speed m/s 9.0 8.9 Weibull A m/s 10 10.08 Weibull K 2.521 8.9 Main wind direction NNE, ENE NNE, ENE figure : ge 2500 Figure GE 1,7 Noise: The noise caused by wind turbines and specially in by a wind farm is an important element of the acceptance, or refusal, of these machines by neighboring populations where it can be a source of annoyance and perturbations. It should therefore be assessed, with special care, during public inquiries; And then checked, after start-up of the machines, by measurements in the field. METTRE LE COMPOSANT QUI FAIT LE BRUITThanks to Windpro, we can perform noise calculations for all the farm. In order to do that, we indicated to the software the average wind speed at this point, but also the height at which we wanted our measurements (the hub), with the help of de wind turbine technical characteristic from the manufacturer. we were able to obtain the results (ANNEXE) in the form of a map in figure It is then found that at the foot of the wind turbine, there is between 50 and 100 decibels of noise, which corresponds to the noise of a washing machine. But when one moves away from it, the noise falls below 35 decibels, which simply corresponds to the noises normally heard in fields or in a forest. It can be concluded that, choosing this clear empty field was a very good idea, even with the existence of a small inhabitant village at 3km nearby, the farm will not be hampered by the noise of wind turbines. This is why we would have the right to install the wind turbines. Having not found the legislation for the distances from the residential premises in Algeria. Distances from some European countries can be given for example. in France, it is not allowed to install a wind turbine within 500m of a dwelling, Denmark and Sweden, the limit is 300m. Shadow: As introduced on the ZVI section. The rotation of the blades causes a periodic interruption of the sunlight (stroboscopic effect) which may possibly be unpleasant. This phenomenon can easily be anticipated. It is highlighted when the sun is low and when the sky is clear of any cloud. The periods of this phenomenon are generally very short and can be seen only near wind turbines. Using windpro, assumptions for shadow calculations are set up as following: -Calculate only when more than 20 % of sun is covered by the blade -Minimum sun height over horizon for influence 3  ° -Day step for calculationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¨Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¨1 days -Time step for calculation à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¨1 minutes The calculated times are worst case given by the following assumptions: -The sun is shining all the day, from sunrise to sunset -The rotor plane is always perpendicular to the line from the WTG to the sun -The WTG is always operating A ZVI (Zones of Visual Influence) calculation is performed before flicker calculation so non-visible WTG do not contribute to calculated flicker values. A WTG will be visible if it is visible from any part of the receiver window. Ones again the we can confirm the good choice of this area, the shadow flickering provided from the wind turbine is out of all king of disruption, where even the near village at 3km down the wind farm wont be exposed by the shadow, the only disadvantage is the flicker on the road nearby where we can see from 10 to 30 hours per year in the worst case but we can conclude that even with that, it will not cause any problems at all. ZVI: The installation of wind turbines modifies the landscape. Given their large size, they mark space and are part of a logic of good landscape integration. Wind turbines need to be placed in sites exposed to the wind. The degree of visibility is influenced by factors such as the type of landscape, the number and design of wind turbines, the way they are arranged on the farm, their color and the number of blades. Other aspect of the visual impact that will be discuss in the next section is the shadow flickering; During rotation, the blades must cast shadows intermittently, resulting in a flicker or blinking effect on the surrounding area. This effect can cause problems for the population close to the wind farms. Its intensity depends on the rotor speed and direction, the number of hours of sunshine and the geographical location of the installation. Assumptions done using WindPro for ZVI calculation are as follow: -Center for calculation: UTM (north)-WGS84 Zone: 30 East: 787,969 North: 3,152,257 -Width of calculation area: 5,118 m -Height of calculation area: 4,893 m -Calculation stepà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¨: 25 m -Eye heightà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¨:1.5 m -Calculation area: 2,504 ha -Highest relevant visible part of a WTG: Hub height + 1à ¢Ã‚ „2 rotor diameter -Obstacles used in calculation: 0 -No area objects used in calculation -New WTGs used in calculation: 16 The results of this show that all the 16-wind turbines are visible from the hole calculation area of approximatively 2,500 ha, we can admit that this is one of the biggest disadvantage for having a flat area and specially where it can be visible for the near village situated at 3km down the wind farm , but à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ IL FAUT VOIR LA LIMITE
Friday, October 25, 2019
Essay --
We live in the 21st century where no human right is an equal right. We were issued human rights to be treated equal but everyday life situations show me that society is so unfair. Human rights are made to be inalienable fundamental rights to which a person is entitled to do because he or she is a human being. Human rights are meant to be natural rights to anyone who takes part in America's population. Human rights can be defined as rights that are believed to belong justifiably to every person. World War I and World War II of the twentieth century is what led to the development of the human rights. The human rights were derived from 18 members of many various political, cultural and even religious backgrounds. Authors consisted of those from John Peters Humphrey, Charles Malik, Peng Chun Chang, William Hodgson and Eleanor Roosevelt to name just a few. At the time that human rights were created it was for the people who faced such horror. I put myself in society shoes and I notice that the Human Rights are more of a dream than reality. When stating my opinion, each state has its own violation of the human rights of some kind. Tortured or abused in at least 81 countries, unfair trials in at least 54 countries, and lastly but definitely not the least restriction in freedom of expression in at least 77 countries. So many human rights are being violated in our everyday life yet America is considered the ideal place to live. Human rights violations still plague the world today. Who can recall how article three of the Declaration of Human Rights stating "everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of person" has been violated in such ways. An estimate of 6,500 people were killed in the year of 2007 in armed conflict in Af... ...the 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights enlist. People are very bias when it comes to gay and lesbian relationships. Everyone is supposedly treated equal and fair correct? Or at least that's why we have Human Rights to abide by to ensure that all is treated as one. But the question that still rises in my mind, if there are people in society who is not being treated as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights say we should who will enforce them? Who do those who don't have the equal opportunity as some turn to? The government, do we reach out to society, maybe those that stand higher ground than us, start petitions for those who seem to be getting unfair treatment. I not only support same sex marriage because of myself but because in my opinion love has absoutely no gender. A right was set as freedom to many but not to all, coming with a crutch.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Ancient Art of Parenthood
Children walk home from school every day and never realize what lurks beyond their protected space (Miller 105). In today†s world the acceptance of latch key children should not be tolerated. Unfortunately, our society condones such behavior from the adults. As a result, these children wear a chain around their neck with a house key attached, in order to enter into their home. As the youngsters leave school, they enter a silent world (Kay 94). To illustrate, children enter into an empty house which has been abandoned since breakfast that morning. Therefore, television when turned on, replaces the absence of their parents. At this time, children experience serious conditions which they may not be able to handle (Gaines 94). For example, they encounter the introduction of smoking a cigarette, drinking alcohol, and using harmful illegal drugs. Also, children are exposed to more violent crimes which usually happen in the first 60 minutes after school. Consequently, some children walk home, through undesirable areas where they may see someone being killed right in front of them. Therefore, alone and unsupervised, the youngsters make their own food while waiting for their parents to return home from work (Brazelton 44). The art of parenthood has diminished, like an extinct animal which could be reinstated into the family unit; especially when parents need to teach and nurture their offspring, detour their young ones from negative peer pressure, and, work within a financial budget. Parents bring children into the world to educate these individuals on how to care for themselves (Braverman). However, children become influenced by their friends especially when spending money is involved (Krol 16 ). Ultimately, they make decisions on the purchase of their clothing, the music they listen to, and even the movies they watch, all based on their friends†opinion. On the other hand, young people realize how their parents have many years of experience in the area of spending money. Therefore, they listen to the advice from their parents on the dealings of financial matters. However, young people have always faced heavy financial demands as they reach maturity (Blankstein 133). The difference today is the sheer diversity of the choices, few of them inexpensive. Therefore, they should become skilled and well educated in money management (J. L. 48). In addition, parents teach their young to eat the right meals, to absorb enough sleep, and to do their best in school. Also, as children reach the age of eight years old, their strict discipline and respect for elders should have already been implanted by their parents (Ogle). Eventually, these young people acquire jobs to obtain a true sense of responsibility of work ethics and the supreme independence from parents. Ultimately, the sheer existence of children blueprinted by their parents creates vibrant individuals who can master the world. For instance, young people know how to respond in case of fire or electrical emergencies. Also, they understand the techniques of first aid and how to get help fast. Again, young people earn money from part time employment which is combined with the allowance from parents. Therefore, their income per week could be drastically increased by a substantial amount (Fischer 51). Consequently, children can benefit financially by being creative with their free time (Briles 108). For instance, young people project enthusiasm toward part time employment especially when the work creates lively activity. Even though parents try to guide their off spring right, there may be an unplanned development to reroute these individuals in another direction. While on the other hand, young people should be accountable for their misbehavior. Young people strive hard at school to achieve acceptance among their friends (Warburton). To illustrate, students pride themselves on having many friends, even if they introduce harmful habits. In addition, peer pressure explodes dramatically with socializing in school and being accepted in certain groups, especially during their adolescent years (Ignatz). Furthermore, students may experiment with illegal drugs which establish popularity among their friends. Unfortunately, these young people, when exhibiting interest in these deadly drugs, isolate themselves from family members and associates. Ultimately, they feel depressed about school work and their social life takes a leaping plunge. In other words, young people regrettably surrender to the illegal substance which eventually takes control of their life. Also, alcohol flourishes rapidly among young people, particularly between the ages of ten to seventeen (Flohr, P. ). For example, groups of adolescents creatively sneak alcohol to a party which has taken place after school. Secondly, the alcohol is poured into a reservoir of punch which alters the taste. Eventually, when the other children drink the spoiled punch they are introduced indirectly to the alcohol. After a while, the substance slowly flows into the bloodstream, then ultimately overwhelms their body into a habit forming addiction which could last a life time. Furthermore, smoking a cigarette seems to be the easiest and least conspicuous item in which students can gain popularity (Bower 391). As they smoke, destructively the nicotine engulfs their lungs like a virus. For example, Tennessee Williams†â€Å"The Glass Menagerie,†Tom said, â€Å"I am getting a cigarette†then Amanda, his mother replies, â€Å"You smoke too much†(212). Sadly, young people conceal cigarettes from their parents and teachers. Also, they sneak around the school just to get a puff of smoke. In addition, they retire to the school bathrooms or hide behind trash reciprocals. Because many students smoke on high school campuses, the administration decided to designate areas for the smokers. Therefore, these young people smoke across the street from their high school. Finally, the cost of the cigarette bites out a healthy chunk of the student†s income, because their earnings would only be at a minimum wage. Many parents work all day and do not realize the damaging effect created by their absence when the children are home from school (Granfield 46). Unfortunately, money generates a hypnotic trance surrounding the parents, which clouds the use of their brains (Florist 20). In fact, greed consumes the life style of the family. For example, parents, as well as children, needlessly spend money without realizing the price they have to pay. Because both parents work, the children are left home to fend for themselves. Although, money generates many items the family wants, the absence of the parent can never be replaced. Because parents offer moral support when their children need that shoulder to cry on. Therefore, children are subjected to a world which opens difficult situations they must be able to handle (Way 73). After all, money does contribute to food, shelter, and, clothing in order for the human race to survive. But should the consumption of this commodity also sacrifice the unity of the family (Christiansen). In other words, when families curtail their extravagant spending for expensive cars, luxury boats, and, numerous travel expenses, there would be no need for a two-income family. Therefore, children could enter into their home with at least one of the parents waiting patiently for their arrival from school. Reluctantly, manufactures refuse to give up their profits for the sake of a nurturing home life for the children. Assuming, these establishments operate in the world by making money. Ultimately, parents contribute many important characteristics which make up the individuality and personality of their children (Working Mother 88). For instance, they instill mortality which guides their children to decide right from wrong as well as their ability to accept responsibility when a situation occurs. Could they respond quickly enough (Campbell). Finally, parents remind their children to have respect for themselves (Dunhill). They need to understand that their decisions are important; therefore, they are able to regard other people†s opinion. Granted, single parents work all day, feeling guilty that their youngsters must stay at day care facilities. Eventually, the children adapt to these routine situations of being in a day care and continue with their daily lives. Customarily, children stay in these facilities more often than usual because parents tend to leave them there in order to take care of other business. In any case, children should not be sacrificed for money (Daniels 318). Therefore, parents should learn to live within their financial budget. Parenthood should take precedence in today†s society (Flohr, J. . Ultimately, parents instill the basics of life into their children. Creatively, children draw images from their parents, which determines their unique individual styles and personalities. Finally, these children will address the world with self confidence and security which strengthens the human race. Therefore, parents must take responsibility of the human life which they have brought into the world. Equally important, they ought to focus more on their children, not the money they can make at work (Pardue). After all, children discover the world through their parents (Lentze). For example, children watch their parents take pride in their personal belongings. Then, as the children mature and become young adults they tend to take great pride in their own possessions, especially when the parents take the children on several different excursions (Morin). Ultimately, when youngsters are introduced to new and exciting areas, such as going to the local zoo, being exposed to the public library, and attending a school play, the door to their world opens with imagination, which can be compared to a trip to Disneyland. Furthermore, the prices of these excursions run far less expensive than the purchase of extravagant toys for the family. After a while, the toys lose their novelty, then they are discarded, literally tossed aside for a new toy. If children had the power to decide, which they would prefer would their decision be parents over money rather than money over parents. In conclusion, children need the appropriate guidance from their parents and the day-to-day interaction with at least just one.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Color Imagery †The Great Gatsby Essay
Writers often use a variety of literary devices in their literature to relate to the themes of their stories. Imagery is just one of the many that are used to create the structure for the literary pieces. Imagery can be used to form images in the reader’s mind, appealing to the human senses. F. Scott Fitzgerald, the mind behind the American Modernist novel The Great Gatsby, uses a specific form of this literary device, which is color imagery, to make a more meaningful visual experience for the reader. Patterns of certain colors represent recurring themes in the story as a whole. In The Great Gatsby, certain characters portray the significance of colors in the color theory. Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan, and Jordan Baker’s actions in the story prove this point through their actions and their words. Fitzgerald’s story contains an aspect of wealth, and each character goes about it in his or her own way, connecting back to the imagery the author uses. By examining the desire for power, material possession, dishonesty, and deception, it is clear that the colors yellow and gold are used to represent these themes. Fitzgerald’s color imagery is clear when yellow is used to describe situations of greed and the desire for power throughout the story. In The Great Gatsby, there are several characters who wish to have more, who are never satisfied with what they have. They become greedy, and their actions, as small as some are, help to prove this. Daisy Buchanan is Jay Gatsby’s love interest in the story. However, it is known that she is married to Tom Buchanan, and that they have a child together. The narrator of the story, Nick Carraway, describes Tom as an aggressive, arrogant, self-absorbed, man. His aggressiveness leads him to verbally and physically abuse Daisy. One may believe that the best situation would be for her to simply leave Tom in order for her to have a better life. The thing is that Daisy cannot get herself to do that because she craves power and wealth. Daisy is observed by Nick, and is described as being â€Å"in white, her dress rippling and fluttering†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (8). When thinking of an actual daisy flower, it’s known that a daisy has white petals with a yellow center. In the story, Mrs. Buchanan is in a white dress, exhibiting purity and innocence, but the yellow inside clearly shows she is full of nothing but greed. She stays with Tom, an abusive husband, because she enjoys having a luxurious life. Daisy does indeed represent a daisy flower, with her true color, yellow, showing through her actions. Along with Daisy, George Wilson subtly shows a desire for more in the story. According to Nick, George is â€Å"a blonde, spiritless man†¦ and fairly handsome†(25). Mr. Wilson’s hair is blonde, which ties with yellow in the story. When Tom Buchanan visits George in the Valley of Ashes, the first thing he says to Tom is, â€Å"When are you going to sell me that car? †(25). George knows that Tom is a wealthy man, and although not being straightforward with it, George wants more than what he has with his dull life in the Valley of Ashes. His blonde hair shows that because the author’s use of yellow shows the greed and the desire for power in the story. Fitzgerald applies his color imagery to The Great Gatsby in a very sophisticated way because he uses a single color to express multiple ideas. Not only do yellow and gold display a craving for more, but it also shows the material wealth that someone can have. As discussed earlier, Tom Buchanan and Daisy Buchanan lead lives of great affluence. They live in the East Egg, the more extravagant of the two Eggs, in Long Island, New York. As the narrator of the story observes the couple’s beautiful mansion, he says it has a â€Å"front broken by a line of French windows, glowing now with reflected gold and wide open to the warm, windy afternoon†¦ (6). Nick’s portrayal of the luxurious Buchanan home and life using gold shows how the author uses the color to represent material possession. While Nick Carraway spends time describing the Buchanans’ affluence, his own material possession is also depicted. Nick’s love interest in the story is a woman named Jordan Baker. He spends a significant amount of time with her, and recounts what kind of stuff they do together. At one of Gatsby’s great parties, Nick is with Jordan, when he says, â€Å"With Jordan’s slender golden arm resting in mine, we descended the steps and sauntered the garden†(43). Nick has Jordan Baker’s â€Å"golden arm†in his, which shows how he clearly sees her as some sort of righteous prize, a possession of his. The gold is used to make Jordan Nick’s very own material possession. That is how Fitzgerald expresses yellow and gold when relating to this theme. Misleading and being dishonest are two of the things that several characters do in The Great Gatsby to portray themselves as better, or just simply different. In this story, dishonesty and deception are expressed by the author. Many in the story wonder how Jay Gatsby became this extremely rich man. Mystery surrounds Mr. Gatsby, and it is learned that it is his purpose to keep it a mystery. When he picks up Nick Carraway in his yellow Rolls-Royce he tells him some details about his origin. However, Nick is immediately suspicious of what Mr. Gatsby is telling him in his yellow car. He tells Nick to be wary about what rumors he hears about Gatsby, and he tells him about Oxford and his status in the military. Gatsby seems to be trying very hard to create an image of himself that simply is not accurate. Gatsby is so full of deception that Nick somehow â€Å"manages to restrain his incredulous laughter†(66). The narrator knows for a fact that something just does not add up, and this all happens in the luxurious yellow vehicle. While in the car, Gatsby is dishonest to Nick for the first time. He may have shown â€Å"evidence†, but Nick knows that Gatsby is deceiving him in a way. Another character close to the narrator also displays very misleading behavior. Not unlike Daisy Buchanan, Jordan Baker is described as having a delicate white dress, making her seem like a pristine, pure object. Nevertheless, Nick also observes Miss Baker’s â€Å"autumn-leaf yellow hair†(17). The narrator learns that Jordan is not all that truthful when he realizes that she did not play fair in a gold tournament once. Nick says, â€Å"At her first big gold tournament there was a suggestion that she had moved her ball from a bad lie in the semi-final round†¦ she was incurably dishonest†(57-58). Her dishonesty ties back to the narrative description of her yellow hair. All in all, the author clearly displays yellow as a color of deception and fraud. F. Scott Fitzgerald’s use of color imagery in The Great Gatsby not only makes a clear picture in the reader’s mind, but it also helps to relate to the broader themes of the whole story. He uses color patterns and attaches colors to certain images to craft a big idea using few words. More specifically, the yellow and gold patterns portray the themes of greed, desire for power, material possession, and dishonesty. Daisy Buchanan wanting to keep her power despite having to stay with Tom, Nick’s prize in Jordan Baker, and Gatsby’s apparent deception all fall under the color yellow. This again shows Fitzgerald’s multiple ideas under a single color. The many examples and patterns of one color are not coincidental, and that is why yellow and gold tie perfectly into the story in regards to representing themes and motifs in The Great Gatsby.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Theory of Modern Art Institutions
Theory of Modern Art Institutions It is like time travel to look at vintage images from the 1960s of Yves Klein creating art using the naked bodies of young women, blue paint, and paper surfaces. Watching his process of creation, it is easy to see why some members of the public threw up their hands in bafflement and disapproval at ‘modern art’, and still do so today.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Theory of Modern Art Institutions specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is also easy to understand the reaction of governments that provide funding for cultural activities. If the daily news is any measure, they often dismiss such displays as antics, immoral, trivial, or simply not constituting art at all. Institutions of culture, such as museums, may have similar concerns. However, in our decade, they seem to wish to err on the side of accepting as art things that might not be art, rather than risking overlooking a work or an artist that histor y will show to have had merit. Klein himself seems to have been trying to detach the experience of art from anything that would engage the viewer, largely in an institutional setting, whether by eliminating multiple colors, focusing on blue to the exclusion of all others, by directing women to use other women’s bodies as paintbrushes, or by proposing buildings entirely without walls or furniture. However, as odd as all this can seem, he has been accepted by prominent institutions, such as the Hirschorn Museum. His proposals fit into a continuum of detachment from the real and the concrete that has been evident in the art and the writing on art in the 20th century. In his piece entitled â€Å"The Evolution of Art towards the Immaterial†, Klein describes how he arrived at the idea that even two colors were too many. He felt that the presence of two colors would involve the viewer in a visual exercise that he did not intend. After seeing that the viewers responded to a wa ll of paintings of different colors by trying somehow to form them into one coherent whole, even if he did not intend that to be the interpretation. This phenomenon reflects the institutional locale in which his work appeared. After all, if viewers were seeing one painting at a time in a private home or a corporate office, they could not make this visual collation and re-interpretation of his paintings.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In reaction to this experience, he says, â€Å"I precisely and categorically refuse to present on one surface even the interplay of two colors†[1] In this instance, the support of institutions of art actually worked against his purposes. When one looks at the footage from a subsequent decade, documenting his works using blue women, which are conveniently recorded in snippets on YouTube[2], it is very tempting to see this as a stunt. However, in light of the readings, this approach to art fits neatly, if bizarrely, into a progression of thought and practice over the middle decades of the 20th Century. For example, consider Michel Foucault’s adroit questioning of the whole concept of authorship[3] in What is an Author? In the case of the blue women, there is a reasonable question as to whether the author is Klein, the woman manipulating the paint-covered woman, or perhaps even the paint-covered woman herself. The whole institutions of publishing, where the name associated with a work is crucial, as Foucault notes[4], and the emphasis on attribution in museums are all called into doubt by the use of such a technique. As another example of how Klein’s work fits into the mood of the time, consider Germano Celant’s encouragement of â€Å"an innocent art’[5] in his piece entitled Arte Povera. In the context of Celant’s insistence on utter simplicity, nothing could be simpler. What does the ‘poor’ artist need except a bucket of paint, a surface, and a naked body? Klein’s technique neatly eliminates the need for the whole tradition of academic art training, and associated colleges, trusts, foundations, scholarships, internships, artists’ colonies, not to speak of the entire business sector of art supply stores. Finally, Klein’s approach to art fits with the egalitarian stance of Joseph Beuys’ essay; I am Searching for Field Character. When he states, â€Å"This most modern art discipline – Social Sculpture/Social Architecture will only reach fruition when every living person becomes a creator, a sculptor, or architect of the social organism†[6], he could be describing the ultimate logical working out of Klein’s technique. The artist could be the brush if need be.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Theory of Modern Art Institutions specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/pag e Learn More There is no need for training, no need for fancy diploma. The individual can simply strip, apply paint to self, and apply self to surface. The random nature of the result is clearly acceptable. Neither talent nor training is needed. Everyone can be his or her own artist. No need for art authenticators, or auction houses, or forensic art experts, and all the institutions associated with them! In light of these readings, the 1960’s work of Klein can be seen as a logical evolution away from art that one looks at and wonders about to, eventually, art that one lives, perhaps literally. The readings make clear that the mid-century period was a time in which the relationship of art to all sorts of institutions was being called into question. However, it has been increasingly a time when museums have been more liberal and open to new forms than ever before. Without their support, any artist would have difficulty in publicizing their work and ideas. This c ontinues to be the case, even in the era of the internet. Thus, there seems to be a continuing tension, observable in the context of these readings and now as well, between a need for institutions and a wish to dispense with them entirely. Bibliography Beuys, Joseph. I Am Searching for Field Character. In Art in Theory: 1900-2000, by C. Harrison and P. Wood, 929-930. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2002. Celant, Germano. Arte Povera. In Art in Theory: 1900-2000, by C. Harrison and P. Wood, 897-900. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2002. Foucault, Michel. What is an Author? In Art in Theory: 1900-2000, by C. Harrison and P. Wood, 949-953. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2002.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Klein, Yves. The Evolution of Art Towards the Immaterial. In Art in Theory: 1900-2000, by C. Harrison and P. Wood, 818-820. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2002. - . Yves Kleins Anthropometries: Selection from Yves Klein: The Blue Revolution. Hirschornmuseum. Franà §ois Là ©vy-Kuentz. 2007. Web. Footnotes Klein, Yves. â€Å"The Evolution of Art Towards the Immaterial†, in Harrison, C., and Wood, P.. Art in Theory: 1900-2000. (Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2002). Page 818. (Klein, Yves Kleins Anthropometries: Selection from Yves Klein: The Blue Revolution 2007). Foucault, Michel. â€Å"What is an Author?†, in Harrison, C. and Wood, P. Art in Theory: 1900-2000. (Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2002). Page 950. (Foucault 2002, 949). Celant, Germano. â€Å"Art Povera†, in Harrison, C. and Wood, P. Art in Theory: 1900-2000. (Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2002). Page 899. Beuys, Joseph. â€Å"I am Searching for Field Character†, in Harrison, C. and Wood, P. Art in Theory: 1900-2000 . (Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2002). Page 929.
Monday, October 21, 2019
buy custom Attitude towards Exercise essay
buy custom Attitude towards Exercise essay Attitude can influence someone positively or negatively towards something. If you have a positive attitude towards something, you will always support it and you will be ready to perform anything associated with it because it lies under your area of interest. Negative attitude on the other hand, will make you ignore anything that you have a negative altitude towards despite the benefits you might gain from it. From the above explanation, we can see that there are two types of altitudes towards something. These two attitudes can be simply classified as positive and negative attitudes. The attitude you have towards exercise can be beneficial to you or ruin your life. Having a positive attitude towards exercising is very important because the benefits of exercising outdo the shortcoming of it. People who have a negative attitude towards exercises usually have health problems such as obesity, they are prone to heart attacks and have difficulties in their diet taking. There are numerous benefits associated with having a positive attitude towards exercising. Physical exercises are very important for maintaining physical fitness and overall health and wellness. Exercises are very crucial since they help to improve your body energy. Combination of exercise and nutritiondevelop a hormonal environment fit to fat loss thus, increased energy. Physical exercises also increase self-esteem because they help someone to gain control of their body size and weight and this will automatically increase their self-esteem. Physical exercises are also attributed to increased mental focus as they help to keep the brain sharp into old age. Another key benefit of exercising is that it helps to reduce the risk of heart attack. Physical exercises lower cholesterol and blood pressure and this diminishes the chances of having a heart attack. Production of endorphin increases through exercise and this improves mood and suppresses depression. Physical exercises are also known to reduce stress level. Taking and exercise right after work is a perfect natural therapy that help you to change your mood, it will also help you to sleep better. These are just a few examples of the benefits of taking physical exercises. Those with positive attitude towards exercises take physical exercises regularly and thus keep their body fit and free from unnecessary health problems such as obesity. Some people have a negative attitude towards exercise though this cannot be considered as their preference to do so. Some of them have physical disabilities thus they hate pphysical exercises with all might. There are others with physical disability if encouraged to have a positive attitude towards exercises can concur their disabilities and be able to life a normal life. This can be portrayed by people with weak limps, if encouraged to take physical exercises regularly their limps can gain strength and they will be able to live a normal life. Obese people should also be encouraged to take exercises so that they can reduce the chances of developing other health problems. Negative attitude towards exercises should be discouraged because it is clear that physical exercises are beneficial to our health. In conclusion, attitude can be said as socially created and modified using direct contact with the variable you are interested in. this suggests that those people with a negative attitude towards physical exercises, their notions and feelings towards exercises can be easily be altered. People should be encouraged take physical exercises regularly so that they can make their bodies physically fit and escape some diseases. To build a positive attitude towards exercises we should start encouraging people take physical exercises when they are young so that they can develop this culture and erode the negative attitude at an early stage. Buy custom Attitude towards Exercise essay
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Nepetalactone Cycloalkane in Catnip
Nepetalactone Cycloalkane in Catnip Catnip, Nepeta cataria, is a member of the mint or Labiatae family. This perennial herb is sometimes known as catnip, catrup, catwort, cataria, or catmint (although there are other plants that also go by these common names). Catnip is indigenous from the eastern Mediterranean region to the eastern Himalayas, but is naturalized over much of North America and is easily grown in most gardens. The generic name Nepeta is said to have been derived from the Italian town Nepete, where catnip was once cultivated. For centuries humans have grown catnip for humans, but the herb is best known for its action on cats. Nepetalactone Chemistry Nepetalactone is a terpene composed of two isoprene units, with a total of ten carbons. Its chemical structure is similar to that of the valepotriates derived from the herb valerian, which is a mild central nervous system sedative (or stimulant to some persons). Cats Domestic and many wild cats (including cougars, bobcats, lions, and lynx) respond to the nepetalactone in catnip. However, not all cats react to catnip. The behavior is inherited as an autosomal dominant gene; 10-30% of domestic cats in a population may be unresponsive to nepetalactone. Kittens will not show the behavior until they are at least 6-8 weeks old. In fact, catnip produces an avoidance response in young kittens. The catnip response usually develops by the time a kitten is 3 months old. When cats smell catnip they exhibit a range of behaviors that may include sniffing, licking and chewing the plant, head shaking, chin and cheek rubbing, head rolling, and body rubbing. This psychosexual reaction lasts for 5-15 minutes and cannot be evoked again for an hour or more after exposure. Cats that react to nepetalactone differ in their individual responses. The feline receptor for nepetalactone is the vomeronasal organ, located above the feline palate. The location of the vomeronasal organ may explain why cats do not react from eating gelatin-enclosed capsules of catnip. Nepetalactone must be inhaled for it to reach the receptors in the vomeronasal organ. In cats, the effects of nepetalactone can be moderated by several drugs acting upon the central and peripheral nervous system, and by several environmental, physiological, and psychological factors. The specific mechanism governing these behaviors has not been described. Humans Herbalists have used catnip for many centuries as a treatment for colic, headache, fever, toothache, colds, and spasms. Catnip is an excellent sleep-inducing agent (as with valerian, in certain individuals it acts as a stimulant). Both people and cats find catnip to be emetic in large doses. It exhibits antibacterial properties and may be useful as an anti-atherosclerotic agent. It is used as an adjunct in treated dysmenorrhea and is given in tincture form to aid amenorrhea. 15th century English cooks would rub catnip leaves on meats before cooking and add it to mixed green salads. Before Chinese tea became widely available, catnip tea was very popular. Cockroaches and other Insects There is scientific evidence that catnip and nepetalactone may be effective cockroach repellents. Iowa State University researchers found nepetalactone to be 100x more effective at repelling cockroaches than DEET, a common (and toxic) insect repellent. Purified nepetalactone has also been shown to kill flies. There is also evidence that nepetalactone may serve as an insect sex pheromone in Hemiptera Aphidae (aphids) and a defense substance in Orthoptera Phasmatidae (walking sticks).
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Comparison of the movie Milk and Moral Christian Values in the Essay
Comparison of the movie Milk and Moral Christian Values in the Marketplace - Essay Example This activism lures him to seek public office as he believes that he can make a more effective difference for the gay community as a political figure. Harvey suffers through the high and lows of running for office before he finally becomes the first known homosexual in the US to take a political office. His political office is an uphill battle in there is constant tensions between Harvey and his supervisor Dan White a fiercely conservative politician. The film Milk therefore invokes Kavanaugh’s (1991) new conservatism. This new conservatism is two-tiered in that it has what is characterized as having â€Å"two complementary but dangerous tendencies†(Kavanaugh 1991, xiii). On the one hand, the new conservatism embraces the tendency to distinguish faith from notions of justice which is essentially being active in â€Å"love and service†(Kavanaugh 1991, xiii). On the other hand the new conservatism has a â€Å"tendency to equate faith with a particular form of social, political, or national power†(Kavanaugh 1991, xiii). Harvey, the activist who seeks a form of justice for the homosexual community and is openly gay can be said to represent the second form of the new conservatism in that his conduct forces the distinction between faith and notions of justice by becoming active in both love and service. We see Harvey challenge traditional conventions and insert himself in the midst of it by not only advocating change, but changing it by becoming the first openly gay US politician in public office. By taking this approach, Harvey becomes active in both love and service. However, it is not Harvey is makes this distinction. It is White who by his attitude makes this distinction and it is Harvey that forces this distinction. Harvey essentially represents the second tendency attributed to the new conservatism in that for him faith is indistinguishable from traditional concepts of
Friday, October 18, 2019
Back to our place(Someplace of my memory) Essay
Back to our place(Someplace of my memory) - Essay Example In America, I suppose it would be a Vehicle Testing Station. As I remember, there were hundreds of taxies, so it might even have been a cab company, like Yellow Cab. In the mornings, it used to be a little crowded, with neighborhood people complaining about the waste oil flowing downhill from the top, to the housing area. This is the only bad memory that comes to mind about that place. However, residents did nothing more, other than to murmur sulkily to express displeasure about that oil. Around midday on Sundays, after having a light lunch, my family would take four badminton rackets, a few shuttlecocks, and some water to drink, and would step inside the 400 square yards area of that big car park up the hill. With a light heart, we would pass by the black written sign "Car Inspecting Office of Eastern Part", as if the sign did not exist. A few neighbors would already be there, playing side by side, as everyone had fun, and enjoyed their games. It seemed as though nobody cared about original purpose of the place. Instead, It played the role of a little camping spot and family play area. For my family, the white lines for car parking became the perfect place to play badminton, the markings were just right. We would start for home at dusk, cooled by a fresh breeze, smelling the sweet scent of sweat that wafted skywards on that gentle wind, tired but happy. On weekdays, around the... If we put those lines, that looked like a chessboard, together as a set of twelve, it became a great soccer field, or the place for dodge ball played on a group of lines, in exactly the same way. We would never go back home until darkness fell, making us afraid. The only exception that would stop our play for a time was when we heard our mother's voices. They would call us loudly for dinner, sounding very far away in the darkness. Those friends, and sound of my mother's voice, filled with alarm, have been a pattern and part of my life throughout my entire childhood and beyond. The scenes from those times remain unforgettable to me, for all my life. But sometimes things did not always happen that way, and the happy scene would be disturbed. We would hear another voice coming toward us, not the loving concern heard in our mother's calls. There were two sides to this place, a different aspect that stays in my memory. The office would never be totally empty, even though we hoped it would be. After 5.00 PM, when the workers went home, a few people would always be on duty there. Though they did not often confront us, there was a sort of competition, as they did not want to let the balance of power between neighborhood and workers, pass to our side, making us the winners. To assert their position of being 'in charge', sometimes, the person on duty would make us leave, and we had a lot of fun hiding from them and watching carefully for a chance to get back inside the car park again. But in my memory, I can see that they were only human too, the same as we were, and we saw that side of them often. When they became bored sitting in the office, they would come out and play with our soccer
Luxury Marketing. Chanel case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Luxury Marketing. Chanel case - Essay Example The French product Chanel is the luxury brand established by Gabrielle Chanel in 1909 (Chanel, 2013). Chanel’s success is credited because the attention that it gives to various segments of customer, its use of luxury brand components in advertising and video promoting in publications of luxury brand which it was likewise broadcasted by Luxury Daily as Luxury Marketer in the year of 2013. Chanel targets ladies with high salaries between 23 and 80 age. The most simple strategy to talk to more young buyers was to incorporate VIP underwriting with on-screen Kristin Stewart actress in advertising promotion (Abbing, 2010). Other technique to speak its young customers is via digital media, which includes the versatile procedure, commercials on online buyer interaction and on Hulu. As far as this current, Chanel's luxury brand picture in consumer minds exceedingly takes up with its center products, premium evaluating procedure, quality and feel (Chanel, 2013). Chanel is the luxury br and for mold accessories, watches, jewelry, cosmetics product, scents and healthy skin. Because of the reality, it is still one of only a valuable few luxury brands that don't offer its products on the media, which, despite, does not change its performance, as it remains the best promoter in this portion.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Project Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Project Management - Assignment Example The application allows the employees to register for the company-Sponsored recreational programs, which includes bowling, walking, jogging among others. In addition, this application allows the employees to register for company-sponsored classes and programs for management of weight stress and other health related complications. The service cost benefit of this application is the ability to track employees on the level of involvement in these activities. To ensure effective implementation of this application the company’s top management is advised to offer incentives for the employees to join these programs (Patel, 2008). The financial cost benefit of this application to the company can be calculated as follows Assume that the present cost of the industry average health care premium is X, this means that MYH, Inc pays 20% more of X , which is equivalent to 1.2X. However, upon implementation of the application the company is able to save AED 120/employee/ year for full time employees for four years. This follows that the total amount saved on the 20,000 full time employees is as the following calculation The ability of this application to track employee health care expenses and company health care costs and facilitating the data importation from the current systems that track employee expenses submitted by the insurance providers if fundamental as it facilitates clarity in the employees expenditure relative to the company ‘s care cost on the employees. This helps in establishing the exact loss or profit incurred at the end of the fiscal year. This is relative to the health care expenditure. The calculations is as illustrated below The concept of cross-selling is based on the premise that when the organizations offers additional goods and services to the organization’s customers get more value to suppliers and other organizational
Strategic Plan as a Crucial Part of Dynamics of Transforming Technolog Coursework
Strategic Plan as a Crucial Part of Dynamics of Transforming Technology - Coursework Example In a broader sense, strategic planning is a decision-making activity. Every organization has certain systems of strategic planning, whether implied or unambiguous. The core of the strategic plan lies in developing the right future for organizations and to accomplish competitive advantage over other rivals. Formal strategic planning in the present age is a recent phenomenon of a rapidly changing environment. Nowadays, as information technology serves as the motivator of several organizational renovations, there is an increased pressure on organizations to address their strategic planning in keeping with the upgraded technological benefits. Success usually takes place when an organization is capable of accomplishing resemblance between technology and strategic planning. The strategic planning is intended to ensure that technological activities are properly associated with the growing requirements and strategies of an organization. In present days, several organizations attempt to maint ain that technology as well as strategy is incorporated with a clear understanding of business direction. Organizations accomplish a high degree of consonance between business priorities and technological functions through better strategic configuration. In the changing technological environment, the position of strategic planning with technological activities has become one of the topmost matters for any business.In present days, the use of technology can directly impact on the competitive position in an organization. Technology has become a new weapon for organizations to develop competitiveness, indicating a new connection between business strategy and technological improvement. The competitive advantage of strategic planning based on technology can be observed from the business plan of Beach Bum gym where the use of ‘Netpulse’ technology can enhance the entertainment related experience of the members within the gym, making it one of the most competitive facilities a mong other gym clubs. It can bring about fundamental changes in the gym industry by providing customers to design their own workout environment according to their suitability.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
1.Critically evaluate if the National Minimum Wage (NMW) have an Essay
1.Critically evaluate if the National Minimum Wage (NMW) have an effect on business performance and increase reward grades - Essay Example They continue to argue that with the introduction of this wage, a great percentage of human labor has been replaced by machinery since the employers attest to the fact that inclusion of the employees in the workplace has become extremely expensive due to the costs that come from reinstatement of wages to the employees. However, other analysts differ with this argument arguing that the wage has increased employee performance in the workplace. In the research carried out by Dickens & Manning (pp.95), the National minimum wage (NMW) has acted as a foundation in which employers can offer proper pay to their employees. This works by virtue of the wage being in a position to manage the increases in wages and controlling all aspects that may lead to cutting down of costs. The National minimum wage (NMW), on the other hand also attempts to be at par with the changes that take place in relation to employees and the wage rates. Nevertheless, other analysts argue that it is extremely tasking for employers to deal with the task of adjusting to the tough economic conditions and dealing with demands of the National Minimum Wage (NMW) as imposed by the government. This essay shall attempt to analyze the National Minimum Wage (NMW) and the effect on business performance and increase reward grades. The major aim of the National Minimum Wage (NMW) is to reduce poverty rates in UK. This is according to research conducted by Dickens & Manning (pp.95), who indicate that with the National Minimum Wage (NMW) the employees have no option but to work in their workplaces or risk being unemployed. In this case, therefore, employees do not want to risk getting into the labor market that does not allow for easy entry into the market; thus, give the best that they can manage whilst in their current jobs. With proper distribution of income in the market, Arrowsmith et al, (pp.435) indicate that there are high chances that individuals will be
Strategic Plan as a Crucial Part of Dynamics of Transforming Technolog Coursework
Strategic Plan as a Crucial Part of Dynamics of Transforming Technology - Coursework Example In a broader sense, strategic planning is a decision-making activity. Every organization has certain systems of strategic planning, whether implied or unambiguous. The core of the strategic plan lies in developing the right future for organizations and to accomplish competitive advantage over other rivals. Formal strategic planning in the present age is a recent phenomenon of a rapidly changing environment. Nowadays, as information technology serves as the motivator of several organizational renovations, there is an increased pressure on organizations to address their strategic planning in keeping with the upgraded technological benefits. Success usually takes place when an organization is capable of accomplishing resemblance between technology and strategic planning. The strategic planning is intended to ensure that technological activities are properly associated with the growing requirements and strategies of an organization. In present days, several organizations attempt to maint ain that technology as well as strategy is incorporated with a clear understanding of business direction. Organizations accomplish a high degree of consonance between business priorities and technological functions through better strategic configuration. In the changing technological environment, the position of strategic planning with technological activities has become one of the topmost matters for any business.In present days, the use of technology can directly impact on the competitive position in an organization. Technology has become a new weapon for organizations to develop competitiveness, indicating a new connection between business strategy and technological improvement. The competitive advantage of strategic planning based on technology can be observed from the business plan of Beach Bum gym where the use of ‘Netpulse’ technology can enhance the entertainment related experience of the members within the gym, making it one of the most competitive facilities a mong other gym clubs. It can bring about fundamental changes in the gym industry by providing customers to design their own workout environment according to their suitability.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Stevensons opening in Dr. Jekyll Essay Example for Free
Stevensons opening in Dr. Jekyll Essay The novels Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, written in 1885, and The Body Snatchers, written in ______ can be seen as novels with a gothic genre as well as mystery stories. They allow the reader to become captivated and absorbed within the text so that they can find out the intriguing nature of the novel, coming across as the story unfolds via clues and hints as to what twists are involved in the plot and characters to unveil the mystery. In the era these novels were written, they were the first in their kind in terms of the gothic genre and as mysterious texts where the turn of events or the characters behaviour was not predictable. They can be considered as novels which look at the darker side of a persons capabilities, this was a new concept to the Victorians in the 19th Century. The book, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde raises issues of and supports the concept of the dual nature of man, Victorian hypocrisy, the bestial nature of man and the experimentation with science and drugs. The issues within the book created a whole new genre in the nineteenth century for such books including The Body Snatchers and Mary Shelleys Frankenstein, which can also be categorised into this genre. In this essay I will explore Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde as a mystery and a gothic story. I will include historical, social and cultural knowledge of the Victorian era and compare this to The Body Snatchers as both mystery and gothic stories. I will also discuss the meaning behind the stories and the effect it has on the reader. In the Victorian era the concept of a man having or being able to have a dual nature was unthinkable. They did not believe that something like that could be possible, where a person could combine both the good self and the bad self within one individual, this theory was not supported by the beliefs they had, unlike today where the possibility of a split personality is not unknown or unthinkable. This was until a social scientist, James Hogg introduced the concept of the individual psyche = externalisation verses internalisation, the second self. It is from this theory that doppleganger originates from, In Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Stevenson introduces this theory into 19th Century literature where Dr Jekyll is the good, which from Hoggs theory says is controlled by the right side of the brain and Mr Hyde is the evil character, which according to the theory is controlled by the left side of his brain, it is the one person with the two very different personalities struggling against each other. Stevenson has shown reflected this theory through the characters, Dr Jekyll being good and Mr Hyde being the evil side of the same person. In The Body Snatchers, this concept of the dual nature of a man, Stevenson portrays through Fettes as a young man, who when he awakens after the ordeal as an older man, his evil side comes through while he is under the influence of Dr Macfarlane. The Victorians were very religious people, for centuries it was believed that people had originated or created directly by God, the thought of evolution had never occurred until Darwins theory, the Theory of Evolution in 1859. This shocked the Victorians the thought that they had evolved and where in a sense the descendents of primates, revealing that they were no longer superior beings would have been the biggest shock to people in that era. Darwins theory and beliefs were rejected and associated with both blasmafy and evil. The theory had been rejected and placed to one side, however the thought and the fear associated with Darwins work lived on with the people. Stevenson brings a hint of Darwins theory of evolution to his novel in the form of Hydes character. The bestial nature of a man is portrayed in the evil side, as he is described as ape-like with descriptions of his stance compared to an animal, he stoops like a monkey and he was heard making grunting noises like an animal. These descriptions would drive fear into the reader in the 19th Century as it reflects on Darwins theory of Evolution. In The Body Snatchers, Stevenson has used the bestial nature again to describe the actions of the characters to enhance the evil calious of their actions. As two vultures may swoop upon a dying lamb, Fettes and Mcfarlane were to let loose upon a grave. This description compares the characters actions to animals desecrating corpses, it is descriptive of what they are about to do, which reflects the bestial nature of a man. The movements of Mcfarlane reflect his bestial nature, dart like a serpent, Stevensons use of similes create both atmosphere and clear images of the characters involving the reader. Stevenson uses animal words to describe the charters and their actions which do reflect Darwins theory and would be very significant for a reader in the Victorian era. During the Victorian times, society and a persons social standing was very important, it was highly regarded, with more emphasis put on it than in todays society. Men who demanded respect in society, the upper class or the professional were expected to appear to be gentlemen at all times, they had a certain standard they had to uphold when in public. Noblemen looked the part as they were well bred, upstanding and respectable within their social class with the manners and the educational background to match. This was somewhat different to the activities that took place behind closed doors, where they could be who they really where and fulfil all their whims of drinking, gambling and whatever else they desired regardless of how it would be viewed in society. It was acceptable as it was going on behind closed doors. Noblemen did not practise what they preached and were in fact, hypocrites, a person who pretends to be more virtuous than they really are. The behaviour was known in society, however it was never acknowledged or mentioned that they hid dark secrets. Many critics even suspect that Jekyll and Hyde was a self-administration by Stevenson of his own dark nature. Victorian hypocrisy is an underlying theme Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, with it being represented by Dr Jekyll I was the first that could thus plod in the public eye with a load of genial respectability, and in the moment, like a schoolboy, strip off these lendings and spring headlong into the sea of liberty. In this quote he is explaining that with Hyde is able to behave how he really wants to, by acting freely to fulfil all desires and not losing any of his social standing or grace. The hypocrisy here lies with the main character, Dr Jekyll represents the respectable nobleman while Mr Hyde reflects Dr Jekylls acts behind closed doors, he is the side that can be ruthless in society as he cannot be recognised as Dr Jekyll and therefore he does not lose any social grace within his social circle or in society. Dr Jekyll makes excuses for what his evil side does, either something cruel and harmful or something appalling by saying It was Hyde, after all and Hyde alone that was guilty. This is Jekylls way of clearing his conscious of all the unsocial crimes he commits. He accepts no responsibility for his own creation, Hyde and is therefore a hypocrite because he wants to have the social standing and respect in society in addition to fulfilling his darker side. Stevenson shows us how he deals with his own hypocrisy by paying for Hydes actions, paying a cheque for trampling on the little girl. Through his actions of payment he is trying to keep his respectable image as an upstanding citizen that he portrays, although it is due to his own guilt of knowing about Hydes actions and not stopping them in some way. In The Body Snatchers, Stevenson has not included this theme of Victorian Hypocrisy so extensively, he touches on it slightly, with Fettes, the young doctor with the respect and social standing who changed himself from being young and irresponsible, who was highly influenced by peer pressure, After a night of turbulent pressures the ordeal changed him for the better, the author is reflecting and portraying the different sides of a person and how man can be influenced especially when it is for the worse. The author also uses, Dr Macfarlane to portray hypocrisy, who breathing, as he did, of wealth and consideration, was a murderer with a black soul underneath, this quotation represents the hypocrisy of the character because in society he is view as a respectable nobleman who is wealthy and is well to do, however he is committing a huge social crime by being a murderer. A character who is well known can commit such crimes and get away with them this represents hypocrisy. Both these novels by Stevenson fit into the gothic genre. This is depicted through the descriptions and images the author creates for the reader to use. Atmosphere and settings are also important for the gothic genre as it is used to set the scenes and allow to reader to visualise the backdrop to where the crimes or the acts of horror are taking place. The settings allow the author to build up tension and suspense for the reader adding to the gothic nature of this genre in the novels. Within the gothic genre are the authors use of setting and scenery, which contribute largely to the essence of it. Both the novels have been set in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is set in London, while The Body Snatchers is set in Edinburgh. This has relevance to the genre as a gothic story will usually have the background setting of a major well known city, which the people who read the novel or story will be able to relate to. The concept of Pathetic Fallousy, the weather descriptions are very important to this genre as the settings and the descriptive nature set the scene for what is going to happen. The weather is significant as bad or horrific scenes are associated with bad weather, setting the atmosphere and mood for the events of the story. In Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde the concept of pathetic fallousy provides a major connection in this novel as the gothic atmosphere allows the reader to visually set the scene. The weather references are gothic in nature, descriptions of the rain, the extensive grey skies and clouds. The descriptive detail of the town the abandoned street, the broken down area surrounding them, the atmosphere created allows the reader to experience what it would feel like, the dark nights with the faded distant sounds allow the reader to feel involved. The fog still slept on the wing above the drowned city, where the lamps glimmer like carbuncles; and through the muffle and smother of these fallen clouds. This quote represents the way in which the author engrosses the reader into the text with a very effective atmosphere surrounding detailed description. Stevenson has achieved a very descriptive image of the town, the context important to the concept of pathetic fallousy are the weather words of fog and clouds The Body Snatchers weather descriptions and atmospheric settings are consistent with this genre, they are continuous through out the novel, which reinforces the idea and the gothic nature of the novel at all times to the reader. With the descriptions Stevenson is able to set the scene of the town with the atmosphere enclosing it. There was a thin, bright moonshine, it was bitter cold windy and frosty the town had not yet awakened. This quote tells us that the town was yet to known the events of the night before. When an author uses pathetic fallousy, it allows them to convey future events to the reader as it enables them to connect the mood of the events or actions in the novel with the weather conditions. In gothic genre novels, the worse the weather conditions the worse the event which is or has taken place. If the weather conditions are foggy, stormy, windy and generally unfavourable it makes the reader think that something bad or disturbing mite occur, under a blanket of bad weather. It adds to the readers anticipation, holding there interests with the descriptions allowing the reader to actually feel and visualise the background settings, into the black night. Another part of the gothic genre is the use of descriptive words which creates imagery in the mind of the reader. Stevensons opening in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde begins with a character description of Hyde. This is a strong opening, shocking the reader from the start, as he is not a pleasant figure. This opening sets the tone for the whole novel, making the reader curious as to who or what that figure is. Questions are put in the mind of reader from the descriptive gothic nature of the novel. Stevenson combined the gothic genre with Darwins theory of Evolution successfully with reference to Hyde. He is numerously referred to as bestial, this is supportive of the theory that humans are superior beings but have evolved from animals. His nature is not human like, he has behaviour void of any emotion to the people he attacks, like an animal. Stevenson uses words relating to his bestial nature to describe particular aspects of him like his voice, enhancing the overall image the reader has created, as husky. It creates imagery of a dog / wolf like creature making Hyde more real to the reader as they can image what he sounds like. Hydes presence made people fear him because of his appearance, when he was sighted he was described as ugly but his features were indescribable but somewhat deformed.
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Varying Roles Of General Contractors Construction Essay
The Varying Roles Of General Contractors Construction Essay Many changes happen to a project during its life-cycle, the most significant of which is a change in the contractual relationship between the parties involved which is the objective of this dissertation to identify a feasible contractual solution to how a general contractor is able to act as both a main contractor and turnkey contractor within a single project. Keywords: collaboration, contract, general contractor, novation, private consortium, public authority, rights and responsibilities Introduction In a construction project there are several parties involved in the completion of the project. These parties can be from the public sector, the private sector or the third sector. The key parties are the owner/client, the architect/engineer and the general contractor. Between these parties there are business agreements in the form of contracts to complete the work in the project, such as: design, engineering, construction, management and maintenance. A construction project is ready for execution after the client/owner (hereafter called client) has completed the prerequisites such as decision on the scope of the project, acquires the funds, the land (site) and necessary approvals from the relevant authorities for the land use and the projects purpose. Upon meeting the criteria for establishing a project, the client will approach architects to submit designs for its selection, or provide a design and full construction specifications There are many ways in which the project could be executed. One way is when the client creates the project under a new company and establishes the various departments such as design, development, building and operations within that company and can execute the project with full control. Alternatively, dependent on many things such as the clients status (i.e. individual, company, consortium, government authority, funding agency, not-for-profit organization, international or regional development banks, etc.,), funding, site, etc., the project could be executed by the client using any of the construction works projects methods which will be later elaborated on in this document. Generally works contracts are awarded in two ways, as a turnkey contract where the client awards the entire project to a turnkey contractor or under a main contract where a general contractor gets to construct the significant portion of the facility (and the design and technical and services are sub-contracted by the client). Problem Statement During the project many changes could happen to the client-contractor relationship, the client and/or the contractor could be bought out by a competitor or investor, merged with another entity or liquidated and become insolvent. For the purpose of this dissertation, let us consider that the change has happened to the client and therefore the contractual relationship that existed with the previous owner and the general contractor is altered. For business reasons the new owner decides to change the relationship with the general contractor, and the general contractor is agreeable to that change to also act as a turnkey contractor for the project. Research Questions What kind of project will allow the general contractor to change its role? How can a general contractor act as both a main contractor and a turnkey contractor within a single project? Delimitation This study is written from a practical perspective, not legal, perspective, and focuses on the relationship between the client and general contractor in a building construction project to identify the parameters within which the general contractor is able to be both a main contractor and a turnkey contractor within a single project. Research Method The research for this study was conducted through qualitative and analytical methods from primary and secondary sources such as: interviews, published articles, reports, documents and books, internet websites, and public domain materials from internet websites (electronic books, archived documents etc.). Definitions Agreement (Also: Contract) A legal document that binds two or more parties to specific and implied obligations. Client-architect contract A written form of contract between architect and client for professional architectural services. Client-contractor contract Contract between owner and contractor for a construction project. Consortium A group of private sector entities who have joined together to bid for a project. Design-Build (DB) A procurement or project delivery arrangement whereby a single entity is entrusted with both design and construction of a project. Design-Bid-Build (DBB) Traditional contracting method in which design and construction phases of a construction project are bid and performed by two independent contractors under two distinct contracts. Design-Build-Finance-Operate (DBFO) Design, Build, Finance and Operate. A contract whereby one company undertakes a contract to perform these things for the length of the concession. General contractor A business entity that provides independent contractor services to owners directly or with the use of subcontractors. Main contractor A company that agrees to furnish labour, materials, equipment and associated services to perform the work as specified for a specified price. Private sector The domain where projects are funded with capital other than from taxes. Public sector The government domain where projects are funded with monies that comes in whole or in part from taxes. Special purpose vehicle (SPV) The project company established by the sponsors which has as its sole purpose the delivery of a project. Subcontract A written form of agreement between the turnkey or main contractor and another contractor or supplier for the satisfactory performance of services or delivery or material as set forth in the plans and specifications for a specific project. Turnkey contractor An individual, company, firm, partnership, corporation, association or other legal entity that is permitted by law to provide the necessary design and construction services, including engineering, architecture, construction contracting, and contract administration. 1.0 Contracts Prior to analysing which form of project will allow the general contractor to change its role and how is the general contractor allowed to change roles within a single project, it is necessary to outline what each individual contractual role and responsibilities are within a project. Such identification allows for a more accurate analysis to answer the research questions presented in the problem statement section of this study. 1.1 What is a Turnkey Contract? A turnkey contract is a business agreement between the client and a general contractor, where the general contractor (now turnkey contractor) is responsible for the design, engineering, construction and management of the project. The construction industry refers to the turnkey contractor as a single point of responsibility, a phrase that reflects the turnkey contractors role and contractual obligations. Note: The client can award the turnkey contract to either an architect or a general contractor, however this dissertation continues on the premise that a general contractor is awarded the turnkey contract. The turnkey contract is a product of the Design-Build (DB) project delivery system i.e. it is a method by which the client controls the project from start to finish. The turnkey contractor may subcontract an architect to perform the design work and trade contractors to perform specific works in the turnkey contract. A turnkey contract can also be used in a Design-Build-Operate (DBO) project delivery strategy. While the turnkey contractor is responsible for providing design, engineering, construction and management services, it is also obligated to operate the facility once it is fully constructed and equipped for purpose. The purpose of DBO is to provide the client with the opportunity to let a turnkey contractor in a multidisciplinary contract: to design, build and operate as opposed to individual agreements to govern the different facets of a project (Sunna, 2009). In a DB project the client has a direct relationship with the general contractor, and the general contractor has a direct relationship with the architect as shown in Figure 1. In the DBO project, the client has a direct relationship with the general contractor, where the turnkey contract (see Figure 1) will include stipulations for operating the facility once completed. Figure An example of a DB project delivery system 1.2 What is a Main Contract? The main contract is a contract awarded by the client to a general contractor to execute the main construction works in the project. The client initially awards the chosen architect to prepare drawings, specifications, and other design elements for the project. After the architects submission is received the client then puts to tender the construction works for the project. This could be broken into several tenders, one of which is the main construction work. The general contractor who wins this bid is awarded the main contract. The general contractor (now main contractor) may subcontract one or more trade contractors to carry out specific works in the main contract. The main contract is a result of the Design-Bid-Build (DBB) project delivery system, a method through which the client controls the project. DBB consists of three parties: the client, the design party and the construction party. The client is responsible for providing the project site, all the necessary clearances from the relevant authorities and funding for the architect and contractors to complete the project. The budget is an important part of the project as it allows the architect to design a building that meets the clients requirements and it determines the scope of the project. The design party includes the architect, specification writers (consultants), engineers (structural, electrical, mechanical), interior designers, quantity surveyors and other participants the architect considers necessary for completing the project. The clients involvement in the project is to monitor and evaluate progress and perform quality assurance that the turnkey contractor is moving according to schedule and within budget. The turnkey contractor in turn liaises with the client and subcontractors on a regular basis to perform its quality, quantity, time and budget control. The construction party consists of the main contractor who is responsible for providing the workforce, material, equipment, machinery and professional expertise to complete the project in accordance with the design and plan documents which are provided by the architects. In a DBB project the client has a direct relationship with the architect and the main contractor (where the architect and contractor have an indirect relationship) shown in Figure 2. Figure An example of a DBB project delivery system 2.0 Private Finance Initiative This section focuses on the Private Finance Initiative (PFI) in an effort to answer the research question: What kind of project will allow the general contractor to change its role? The research on project delivery systems and procurement methods show that the PFI involves both the public sector and the private sector working in collaboration to develop a project. 2.1 What is the Private Finance Initiative? The private finance initiative (PFI) is a way by which public infrastructure projects are funded with private capital. Initiated by the Australian and United Kingdom governments, PFI has been adopted in many countries by corporations, national governments, and international bodies such as the World Bank and the World Trade Organization. In general, under PFI, the government (public sector) is the client and invites the private sector to bid on a project, which includes construction work, services, operation and maintenance. Because these projects require a variety of inputs the government and a single private company or a consortium of companies in the private sector place a bid on the project, and work in collaboration to execute the project. The concept of PFI is to involve the private sector in public sector services or projects, because it has multiple positives it enables governments to provide national infrastructure such as bridges, motorways, power-supply, etc., at an earlier and quicker pace to the public; it provides business opportunities to the private sector; it increases employment; and, it offers better value for money. When a project is awarded, the public and private parties (in this case the government and private companies) create a new private company to manage the project and deposit the required funds in this projects accounts. These funds are used to initiate and implement the project. For a construction project after the building is fully operational, if the private companies made an agreement for the maintenance of the building over a period of for example, 25 years; the government will reimburse the cost of the project (including interest) over time. Alternatively, the government does not pay the private companies their share of the costs but allows the private companies to maintain, operate and manage the facility (bridge, toll road etc.) and recoup their costs and some profit over an agreed number of years. PFI is also known as Design-Build-Finance-Operate/Maintain (DBFO, DBFM or DBFO/M). The private sector designs, finances and constructs a new facility under a long-term lease, and/or operates and maintains the facility during the term of the lease. The private consortium transfers the new facility to the public sector at the end of the lease term. 2.1.1 Contract Process under PFI A government authority signs a contract with a private party (a company or a group of companies) creating a public-private partnership (PPP). The PPP is created for the purpose of providing the PFI contract. A PPP is a legally-binding contract between a public authority and a private consortium for the provision of assets and the delivery of services that allocates responsibilities among the various partners. Before the PPP is established a private company creates a new company in collaboration with other private companies, this is referred to as a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV). The SPV is made up of private investors, a construction company, a maintenance company and a bank lender/s. SPV contracts with the government creating a PPP, and also with general contractors responsible for constructing and maintaining the building or infrastructure facility. The banks funding PFI projects are repaid by SPV, from payments received from the government over the duration of the PFI contract. The repayments are based on the SPVs ability to meet the requirements specified in the contract. 2.1.2 PFI Project Organisation Structure See Figure 3, the SPV is divided into subgroups: A holding company, private investors/bank lenders and a services or operating company. The primary contract is between the government and the SPV, and the requirements in the specification transmit from the SPV to the holding company, the investors and operating company through secondary contracts, and then filter down to the trade contractors. Figure Example of a PFI project organisation structure What kind of project will allow the general contractor to change its role? A PFI project created through the partnership of the government and the SPV allows for a general contractor to change its role. As shown in Figure 2, the SPV is a part client (from the SPVs perspective) and a turnkey contractor (from the governments perspective). 2.2 How PFI allows a general contractor to change their role Once a PPP contract is signed a new company is formed to finance the project. Referring to Figure 2, the SPV is considered as the client in this project because the government requires additional funding for the service or building project and is allowing the private party (the holding company, the investors and operating company) to partially privatise the project. However, the government is still part owner; from the governments perspective the SPV is both a part owner and a general contractor. Note: In a PFI project a client can also be a general contractor, depending on the project, this is known as owner-builder. In Figure 2 the SPV is both financing and operating the project, depending on how the SPV wants deliver the project, Figure 2 assumes that the general contractor (in the project environment) is a main contractor, therefore the SPV will have a client-contractor relationship. But the government is still a part client to the project therefore the SPV is also considered as the turnkey contractor to the project. 3.0 Novation This section focuses on Novation which is a situation in which a main contractor can be also turnkey contractor. 3.1 What is Novation? The business dictionary defines novation as the substitution of an original party to a contract with a new party, or substitution of an original contract with a new contract. Once the original party is replaced, the original partys obligations are discharged, and the new party is responsible for the replaced partys obligations. Novation can only occur when all the parties involved agree to replacing a party or replacing a contract. For example: novation might occur when one company buys another company where both companies are providing project services to the client, in this case the single company formed by the merger of the two companies will receive the novated contract. By replacing the obligations of the original party the main contractor all the parties involved (client, architect/engineer, and main contractor) in the original contract must agree for the replacing to take place. If the agreement to replace comes into effect, the new party will take over the responsibilities and obligations of the replaced party, i.e. the new general contractor will become a replacement to the original main contractor. According to Michael Rowlinson (2010), if the main contractor is being replaced with a new general contractor the clients role in the project remains unchanged (the client being the contracting party). 3.2 Process of Novation In the early phases of a DBB project, the design work is carried out by an architect selected by the client. The contract between the client and architect specifies the professional services the architect will provide for the projects duration. Part of the contract may include stipulations for the architect to be novated to a general contractor, see figure 4. When the novation occurs, for example; after a general contractor is awarded the main contract before the project is implemented, the client novates the client-architect contract to the main contractor, thereby novating the architects responsibilities and obligations. Generally, the architect is re-hired by the general contractor to complete the design work. The client is only passing the risk and responsibility for design to the general contractor after the tender. In a DB project, the general contractor is completely liable for the design work, including the selection of architects. With novation the client selects the architect and novates them to the general contractor at a later stage. Figure 4 illustrates how novation affects the contractual relationship in a DBB project. The Client (A) contracts with an architect (B) and with a general contractor (C). Later, the client wants to create a single point of responsibility for both design and construction, therefore the client (A) novates the architects rights and responsibilities to the general contractor. Figure Example of before and after effect of novation in a DBB project 4.0 The Case Study A case study is used to illustrate the practice of PFI projects. This case will provide insight to the role of the public and private parties, and how this information is used to find how a general contractor is able to act as both a main and turnkey contractor. 4.1 Newcastle PFI Project Medical Service Facilities Development A contract was signed between the Newcastle-upon-Tyne Hospitals NHS Trust (public party) and a private consortium led by Equion plc, in May 2005. The contract was signed for a PFI project consisting of developing the Freeman Hospital and Royal Victoria Infirmary (RVI) in Newcastle, United Kingdom (UK). The purpose of this project is to improve the medical services in Newcastle, and transferring all of the hospital services from the Newcastle General Hospital site to the new facilities available in the Freeman Hospital and the RVI sites. The Newcastle-upon-Tyne Hospitals NHS Trust promoted the project, which had a total capital of approximately GBP 300M. The PFI project involved constructing new facilities, renovating and refurbishing the existing facilities. The Freeman Hospital will receive a cancer and renal services centre, and a new multi-storey car park. RVI received an operating theatre, a new accident emergency department, with all the clinical support services required, such as neurosciences, infectious diseases, traumatic orthopaedics, dermatology and critical care. Additionally, childrens services were integrated into a purpose-built facility adjoining the main development, (Newcastle-upon-Tyne Hospitals NHS Trust, 2005). Figure Newcastle PFI project organisation structure See Figure 5, the PFI was established to make the Newcastle-upon-Tyne Hospitals NHS Trust responsible for the clinical care of patients, maintenance of equipment and existing facilities, technologically advancement medical equipment, and managing the multi-storey car park, after the new facilities were fully equipped for their purpose. Healthcare Support (Newcastle) Limited, controlled by Equion plc, (through subcontracts) provided the designing and construction work, non-clinical services and maintenance for a period of 38 years. 5.0 Discussion The research on PFI in section 2.0 of this dissertation explains that the public authority is the client in a PFI project; however the public authority is collaborating with a private consortium for ownership of the project. Through this ownership the public authority is allowing the private consortium to partially privatise the finished facility and/or service once the project is complete. Because the public authority requires the facility and/or service to be available, the private consortium is responsible for providing it. Therefore the private consortium is responsible for the design and construction of the project. The private consortium is made-up of separate entities: a holding company, a construction company, an operation and maintenance company, bank lender/s and private investors. The design and construction works are subcontracted to the construction company. Theoretically, the public authority can novate their rights and responsibilities to the private consortium making them the client, however in PFI the private consortium is responsible for completing the project, and novation would not alter their responsibilities in the projects organisation structure. However, if the public authority novated their rights and responsibilities for the project to the private consortium, the private consortium is able to privatise the project in its entirety. Using the data presented in the previous section, the Newcastle-upon-Tyne Hospitals NHS Trust is the client through PFI and Healthcare Support (Newcastle) Limited is the private consortium. See Figure 5, the relationship between the Trust and Healthcare Support is a PPP contract: they are legally bound to each other for the provision of the facilities and services within the project. The relationship between Healthcare Support and Laing ORourke is a design and construct contract, whereby Laing ORourke is responsible for the design and construction through a subcontract of the PPP. From Laing ORourkes perspective, Healthcare Support is Laing ORourkes client. It is important to consider that Healthcare Support, although collaborating with Trust, is still responsible for outcome of the project i.e. is responsible for the quality of the design, engineering, construction, management and maintenance for the project. These responsibilities are typical of a turnkey contractor. Now Healthcare support is both a client and a turnkey contractor within the project. In further detail, Healthcare Support is a turnkey contractor to the Newcastle-upon-Tyne Hospitals NHS Trust, and a client to Laing ORourke. It is also important to note that Laing ORourke is responsible for the design and construction of the new facilities; however Interserve (Facilities Management) Ltd. is legally obligated to Healthcare Support for the maintenance of both the existing facilities and advanced medical equipment. From a Healthcare Supports perspective Laing ORourke is a turnkey contractor (see Figure 5). If Healthcare Support contracted with an architect and a general contractor separately, the general contractor would be a main contractor. Theoretically, the Trust collaborates with Healthcare support, Healthcare support then contracts with an architect to design the project, after the design is approved general contractors place their bids. Healthcare awards the winning general contractor a main contract. 6.0 Summary In the beginning of the PFI project, the public authority is the client and the holding company is a turnkey contractor. The holding company then subcontracts an architect for the design, once the design is approved; the holding company tenders the construction work. The holding company then subcontracts a general contractor for the construction work, where the general contractor is now the main contractor within the project, shown in Figure 6. Figure Example PFI project If the holding company is bought out by a competitor or investor, merges with another entity, the holding company can novate the architects rights and responsibilities to the main contractor, if all the parties agree to this contractual change. The main contractor is now the turnkey contractor, shown in Figure 7. Figure Follow-up to Figure 6 including novation Alternatively, if the holding company becomes bankrupt during the project, the holding company can novate its rights and responsibilities to the new holding company that substituted the original party. This new holding company can re-organise the contracts (through novation) to make the main contractor a turnkey contractor, responsible for the design, engineering, construction and management services for the rest of the project. 7.0 Conclusion Based on the finding of this study, during the project due to changes in the client or contractor status the client-contractor relationship can evolve and a general contractor can act as both a main contractor and a turnkey contractor within a single project through PFI procurement. However, this can only occur through novation: If the client decides to change the relationship with the general contractor, and the general contractor is agreeable to that change, the client is able to novate the contract. A general contractor is able to initially act as a main contractor; however only through novation can a main contractor become a turnkey contractor, because novation occurs within a single project. Therefore a general contractor is able to act as both a main and turnkey contractor in different phases during the projects duration through a novation of the original contract. 8.0 Putting into Perspective The information presented in this dissertation may be used by private sector clients/owners who may or may not have professional experience in building construction projects, and wish to know alternative options when choosing project delivery systems to implement their project. Prospective owners may choose to use the information in this dissertation when considering stipulations for novation in their agreements with building professionals i.e. architects and general contractors, if they (the owner) wish to have control over the designs that dictate the buildings final appearance, and then transfer the responsibility for any ongoing design work to the general contractor. This dissertation can provide an undergraduate studying a degree relevant to project management and the building industry, with information pertaining to alternative contracting and relationships between individual parties in different phases of building construction projects.
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