Thursday, October 3, 2019

Persuasive Speech Dont Eat Fast Food

Persuasive Speech Dont Eat Fast Food Attention gather: Do you know that fast food can lead to some serious illnesses such as heart attack and lack of energy? As we know that fast food is a very important meal in the America, and a quarter of the American suffer from it sickness affect and some of them even die? Tie to the audience: fast food is part of our today. We like fast food mainly is because it is convenience and easily available. On top of that is tasty Thesis and preview: many of us know that fast food is not good but we do not know how bad it is. Today I would like to persuade my audience to stop eating fast food. I will show what is in fast food, what can it do to our body and how we can prevent it. Body First point: junk food is bad because it contains chemical flavor -this means that junk food is very poor in nutrition The prepare part is definitely added with preservatives to make it last and preservative is very harmful to our health. Pre-prepared fast food has lost its original taste and needed to be added with flavor to enhance its taste According to Eric Schlosser (2001, in his best seller book entitled Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal, he says that just about all the food in a fast food industry is processed; so much of the flavor is destroyed. Eric Schlosser also said that fast food is heavy on fat, salt and sugar, and reduced nutrient. Second point: junk food is unhealthy from it uses of too much of oil. -fast food need to be fast cook and lots of oil are needed Fat and calories are difficult to digest in our body and undigested fat and calories will be accumulated in our body to cause too much oil in our body -The Star newspaper reported in A Big Fat Problem (2009) by Priya Kulasagran says that government worldwide are bracing themselves for an obesity epidemic soon. This condition can potentially lead to a range of health problems such as heart disease, diabetes and even premature death. Third point: junk food causes health problems Fat and calories are difficult to digest in our body and undigested fat and calories will be accumulated in our body to cause too much oil in our diabetes and obesity The Star newspaper reported in A Big Fat Problem (2009) by Priya Kulasagran says that government worldwide are bracing themselves for an obesity epidemic soon. -if we do not avoid it now, our children will suffer in the future -this fact is also available in Erics book the one you show me last night about 200,000 in hospital and in 10 years it will reached about 511,000 which is the population of Southern Malaysia Solution we need to control our consumption of fast food to balance our nutrition by eating more nutritional and natural food. For example, milk, chess, salad, and many more. Conclusion Convince my audience to stop eating fast food and eat more natural food to protect our health and future Fast food is becoming part of our life in the modern society. Due to convenience and rushing for time, many of us are now depending on fast food for our meal. Also, fast food is at almost anywhere, shopping center, high way, even airport, to make it so easily access that we all find it very convenience. Added with their delivery services and fast services, it is not only convenient but also fast to save times when we are in the rush. we all eat fast food because it is convenient and tasty, and we are also attracted to lots of promotion and free gifts, but we do not know that every bite we take, we are risking our life. Many of us know that fast food is not good to our health but we do not know how bad it is. Today I would like to persuade my audience to stop eating fast food as the harmful ingredient in   fast food. Fast food is known as junk food due to its lack of nutrition and too much chemical flavor that are harmful to our health. Most of the fast food are pre-prepared and then go through a simple process to speed up their services. The prepare part is definitely added with preservatives to make it last and it is very harmful to our health. Without preservatives, the pre-prepare food will be easily spoiled and never last. Preservative is toxin that can and caused cancer and is acidic to harm our health. During process, flavor is also added to make fast food tastier. Unlike freshly cook food, where we maintain its original taste. Pre-prepared fast food has lost its original taste and needed to be added with flavor to enhance its taste. According to Eric Schlosser (2006), in his best seller book entitled Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal, he says that just about all the food in a fast food industry is processed; so much of the flavor is destroyed. Eric Schlosser also said that fast food is heavy on fat, salt and sugar, and reduced nutrient. Most flavors in fast food are made from chemical. The tastier it is, the more chemical is needed. We all know that food added with chemical is very harmful to our health. Too much chemical processed food can caused cancer. Some chemical flavor can caused our hair to drop, affect our skin structure, deteriorate our organs function and affect our body cell. All these will slowly kill our health. Eric schlosser reported in his book entitled Fast food Nation (2006) that about 200,000 people are sickened by food borne disease in the United State. About 900 are hospitalized and fourteen die. If Eric Schloeers report is true, in 10 years we will see about 511,000 people will die from food borne disease which is equal to the population of Southern Malaysia. Fast food is also fast cook. In order to cook fast, too much oil is needed. Therefore, fast food is very oily because too much oil is being absorbed into the food. When we eat fast food, we are actually eating oil. We all know that oil contains very high fat and calories, and these are the main cause of obesity. Fat and calories are difficult to digest in our body and undigested fat and calories will be accumulated in our body to cause too much oil in our body. Obesity is caused by too much fat in our body. The According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) more than a quarter of the American population suffers a bout of food poisoning each year. Star newspaper reported in A Big Fat Problem (2009) by Priya Kulasagran says that government worldwide are bracing themselves for an obesity epidemic soon. This condition can potentially lead to a range of health problems such as heart disease, diabetes and even premature death Obesity is the main cause to many health problems. It can affect our muscles, blood circulation, lung and kidney. Once our blood circulation is being affected, many other health problems will happen. For example, heart problem and lack of energy Our lives today cannot live without fast food. They are too easily available. And they are tasty and fast delivered. But too much fast food is definitely not good for our health. So, we need to control our consumption of fast food to balance our nutrition by eating more nutritional and natural food. For example, milk, chess, salad, and many more. With that we can live a comfortable, longer and healthier life. And there you have it. There for, for the better of our health and life, i strongly suggest my audience to stop eating fast food and eat more natural food to balance our nutrition and protect our health and future.

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