Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to Write a Winning Grant Research Proposal

How to Write a Winning Grant Research Proposal How to Write a Winning Grant Research Proposal How to Contest Contemporary Thinking with Your Grant Research Proposal Grant, in other words funding, is given to individuals, non-profit organizations, charitable companies or educational facilities. A grant proposal is a formal request submitted by the individual willing to gain fund. Writing a good grant proposal is an interesting and a valuable skill. There are a lot of things that should be kept in mind while writing a grant proposal. These are as follows: It is always necessary to check the pros and cons of the proposal for which you are working. The foremost thing is to check the competition in the field. One should be aware of the various sources and ideas for which the grant is to be demanded. It is always good and safe to select a mentor for helping in the formulation of the grant proposal. However, the students who are a part of the proposal should be trained and experienced researchers. Make sure that the proposal should address a well formulated problem that is worth funding. A broad area of interest should be selected by discussing with colleagues, policy makers or community. Skills and knowledge is mandatory for the specific topic that has been selected. The interest and comfort with the topic should be evaluated in the beginning. Before finalizing the grant proposal, make a concept paper or an abstract that reflects your current thinking. This abstract should be shared with colleagues and policy makers to get feedback. After discussing the ideas, one will be able to revise or re-shape the ideas for further improvement. In this way a good and narrow research question can be built. A hypothesis is then made to give an elaboration and insight to the research question. Make sure that the hypothesis should be measurable and testable. The aims and objective of the grant proposal should be reliable, measurable and feasible. The goals must collaborate with the time and money that is being requested in the grant. It is preferable that the researchers, especially the new researchers should not work alone. A project team is preferred to perform the tasks of the proposed project. This will help the new researchers to team up with the collaborators and enhance their experiences and skills. A principle investigator (P.I) or a representative of the project team should be selected so that he/she will be responsible to the funding institute. A short description of the project (abstract) is then formed that represents the importance, need and feasibility of the project. It also contains a brief discussion of all the work including methodology, hypothesis and expected results (outcomes). The background discussion should always be focused on the issues and problems that the research will address. This discussion contains the entire theoretical basis and the explanation of why this study needs to be done. The proper handling of the background discussion will enhance the acceptability of the grant. The underlying methods behind the plan should be sound and feasible. As well, these methods should collaborate with the specific objectives of the grant proposal. If a person is just beginning as an independent investigator, he/she should not apply for a large grant at first hand but complete a good small project with relatively small amount of money and establish a good track record before applying for a larger research grant. If you need professional grant proposal help from academic experts, contact our custom writing company and we will help you immediately.

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